Jahrestagung 2024
15.11.-17.11.2024 am JDZB in Berlin
Die Jahrestagung 2024 wird von Harald Conrad (Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf), Barbara Holthus (Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien, Tokio) und Axel Klein (Universität Duisburg-Essen) in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Japanisch-Deutschen Zentrum Berlin organisiert, wo die Tagung vom 15. bis 17. November 2024 stattfinden wird. Das Thema ist «Nachhaltigkeit in Japan» («Sustainability in Japan»). Wie üblich beginnt am Vortag der Gender Workshop.
Making human activity on Earth sustainable is currently the greatest challenge of humankind and since the United Nations adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015, the topic has gained world-wide popularity. But what sustainability means, how it can be achieved, how it is politically negotiated, and which actors are involved differs widely across the world. The purpose of this conference is to gain a better understanding of how sustainability issues are understood, framed and pursued by different actors in Japan. Focusing on economic, societal, and political perspectives, we hope not only to encourage more social science research and teaching related to sustainability issues in Japan, but also to interrogate more widely what sustainability means for the academic profession.